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Both men’s and women’s genetics heavily influence hair health. Alopecia is caused by an array of factors, including anxiety, diet, vitamin deficiencies, and medications. But genetics remains the overwhelming cause of balding. In other words, your family’s ancient gene expressions influence whether or not you’ll lose your hair (and at what age).

If your genes predispose you to hair loss, you’ll only slow down the balding effect by eating a healthy diet and lowering your stress levels. Ultimately, you’ll succumb to balding.

Genetic structure and history is a very personal thing. This is why hair treatment options need to personalization to be effective.

What Is a TrichoTest?

TrichoTest is a service offered by Starks’ medical professionals that test a person’s genetics. The testing process uses a person’s saliva to determine the likelihood of experiencing hair loss.

Through TrichoTest, we are able to determine the reasons why a person is losing their hair. This allows Starks to apply a personalized solution to hair loss.

By using TrichoTest results alongside a clinical exam, Starks medical professionals are able to build out custom solutions that help people overcome hair loss.

TrichoTest Benefits

There are many benefits of a TrichoTest

  • It’s scientifically proven to be effective
  • It’s painless and non-invasive
  • It personalizes balding treatments
  • The results remain the same for a person’s entire life


A TrichoTest is a painless, non-invasive saliva-based genetic test that helps medical professionals understand the underlying factors for a person’s hair loss. Because the testing is based on genetics, the results are highly accurate.

For many people, run of the mill hair loss solutions fail to live up to the billing. A TrichoTest helps hair loss experts get to the root of the issue on a more personal level.

TrichoTest is a service available at this Starks location.



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