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Our hair naturally goes through a series of phases, one of which causes hair to fall out. This phase, called the telogen phase, is a natural part of a hair follicle’s life cycle. Every follicle will go through this phase, as hair is renewed and regrown. But sometimes that regrowth doesn’t happen immediately, causing us to wonder whether or not it will grow back at all. As many people can tell you, sometimes it doesn’t.


What Causes Temporary Hair Loss

Temporary hair loss can be caused by a number of medical issues like hypothyroidism when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough of the hormone levothyroxine, which can cause hair to grow back thinner than before. High fevers, physical injury, and even general anesthesia can cause temporary hair loss, too. If you’re feeling overstressed lately, that can also cause hair loss. Women can experience hormonal changes during pregnancy that might also cause hair loss. 

All of these things have one thing in common, and it’s right there in the first sentence: they’re temporary. Either through lifestyle changes or medications can correct potential imbalances or other causes of short-term hair loss. In these cases, the answer to the question in the title is easy: yes! Hair lost temporarily will grow back, likely just as it was before. 


Types of Hair Loss That Won’t Grow Back

Unfortunately, there are types of hair loss that won’t grow back. Involutional alopecia is a natural thinning of the hair, as each hair replaced during the follicle’s growth cycle becomes progressively thinner and thinner. Androgenic alopecia is a topic we know a lot about here at Starks, as this is also called male pattern baldness. Women can also experience androgenic alopecia, though it usually starts later in life (in a woman’s 40s, typically). Women experiencing this variety of alopecia will see their hair loss in a different pattern from men. Whereas male pattern baldness occurs in the familiar horseshoe pattern, female pattern baldness tends to occur around the crown or middle part. 


Genetics Can Cause Hair Loss

No matter if you’re a man or a woman, the cause of androgenic alopecia is found in your genes. Though we still cannot look at your DNA and predict whether you will experience permanent hair loss, the determination happens at birth, and we have no way to stop it from happening. Both of these are natural processes yet still result in the permanent loss of hair. In these cases, the answer to the question in the title is, sadly, no, it is not going to grow back. 


The good news is that organizations like Starks specialize in methods of replacing hair you’ve lost permanently, such as FUE transplantation. Although that hair is never going to grow back, that doesn’t mean you can’t replace it. 


Starks currently provides age management solutions from clinics located in France, Greece, and Italy. Please click below to find out more about the hair restoration services we offer to our global clientele:

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