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Hair restoration is generally not dangerous for the patient. Procedures are very safe with small risks, just like any routine medical procedure. With a qualified plastic surgeon, hair transplants and other hair restorations can be performed with low risk. However, patients should always be aware of any complications that can arise during or after the procedure. 

Risks Post-Surgery

Patients typically do not have to be concerned about a hair transplant’s risks, but there are a few that can occur in rare cases. If the area isn’t kept clean or is exposed to bacteria early on, there is a risk of infection. Infection is an associated risk with any incision that is in the healing process. Also, if patients notice abnormal bleeding after surgery, they should contact medical care immediately. 

Other Risks 

Although scaring can usually be avoided, some patients might experience more scarring than others after their hair transplant. One might also experience hair growth that is inconsistent or “patchy,” although most patients can look forward to full-hair growth within 6-12 months. A patient might also experience a failed hair graft in a rare case, which means the graft didn’t successfully work. In this instance, the patient could consider repeating the hair transplant for desired hair growth. 

Most Risks Can Be Mitigated

If a patient chooses a clinic with the proper credentials and care guidelines, the hair restoration process is usually not dangerous. Both the surgeon and the patient must follow necessary health procedures to ensure the hair transplant is done soundly and effectively. Keeping the area clean during recovery and taking it easy are essential steps to follow after the procedure. 

Avoid these routine habits after hair restoration:

  • Exercising for 1 week 
  • Brushing/combing hair for 3 weeks
  • Wearing a hat (until cleared by the surgeon)
  • Washing your hair for a few days

Do Your Research

If you are considering undergoing hair restoration, be sure to do your research and find a clinic that is right for you. Completing an assessment and speaking to professionals in the field will help you make the best and safest decision possible. Not everyone is an ideal candidate for hair restoration, especially when deciding which procedure will have the best outcome for alopecia (hair loss).

Are You Considered a Candidate?

If you want to schedule a hair restoration, both you and the surgeon must have complete transparency to determine if you are the right candidate. The risks involved with hair restoration are far less when medical history is reviewed. Routine examinations will allow the surgeon to understand your genetics and previous medical procedures you have had in the past. Each outcome will be carefully researched to determine which hair restoration option is right for you. 

Contact Starks today to schedule a free assessment at our clinic. We will answer any questions you have on the hair restoration process. 

Thank you for checking out this post. Starks currently provides age management solutions from clinics located in France, Greece, and Italy. Please click below to find out more about the hair restoration services we offer to our global clientele:

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